12 July 2008

Bird as Foodie

Since winter I have realized a few things about food:
1. Arugula, as a salad green, is good.
2. Coarse salt, with olive oil and fresh cracked pepper, on arugula is fantastic.
3. The world is full of magnificent cheeses, and I try to buy a new fancy cheese once a week--the current cheeses in my fridge are the deliciously crumbly English Stilton with dried apricots; a creamy yogurt cheese, like a gouda; a yet to be opened medium, yellow cheddar; and the remnants of a hard goat cheese dusted with cocoa. (I have a shirt from Murray's Cheeses in NYC; the front says: You have a friend in cheeses.)
4. I almost fell off the couch eating a chocolate bread pudding, warm, with peanut butter creme anglais, which had been delivered to my house, along with a sweet potato quesadilla, full of carmelized onions and feta and a cucumber yogurt sauce.

Are you not drooling?

And SSW realized this month:
1. Dipping your bird pellets in your water bowl is very satisfying.

He leaves a sludge of cracker in the bottom of his bowl every day, that I imagine in the summer heat if I let go too long, might evolve from bacterial soup to land crawling mammals.

I give Bug little treats of my own food, which he sees me eat and so then he enthusiastically eats too, his pupils dilating and constricting with excitement. I realize his gut does not process dairy very well, but he does love a nibble of cheese. And I smile a little at the cannibalistic whiff when he eats scrambled eggs.

Put walnuts on your salad, though, and he is utterly impolite, and will land on your arugula with coarse salt, cracked pepper, and olive oil, rules be damned.

He cares not that walnuts on his cage are different than walnuts on my salad. He thinks arugula is terrible boring, phooey!, and deserves to be flung onto the floor.

Dried cranberries, on the other hand, are perfection. And half of grape is a dream, intact, to be devoured.

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