09 December 2008

One Vote for Florida

It snowed today, and most of the southern part of the state stayed home from work and school. Something about ice and snow and sleet. My neighbors were out early competing for who could bust out the most snow on the first real use of the snowblowers for the season. Thank you neighbors, for saving my lower back. I had to dig the car out from where the plow tucked it in so nicely with packed snow. The snow from the morning was the light, easily moved kind, not glumpy or heavy or wet. Whew.

All the while I could hear Bug screaming, through storm windows, nonetheless, old ones. The song goes like this: MEmemememeMEMEMEMEME! Then da capo.

I spent a few minutes on Facebook reading today about my classmate who moved to Hawaii. Smart gal. The weather so far this winter is looking a bit serious.

And why do we have amnesia each December when it all comes tumbling down all white and cold?

I stayed home from work today, too, like many, out of the muck and slippery trouble. Instead, a nap, a dog walk in the snow, a cup of Mexican hot chocolate. And the parrot got a lot of one on one. Though the last few evenings he has been trying to take triangle (beak-shaped) chunks from my wrists. He hates sweaters and typing and generally not being adored every second. He is vocalizing his vote to move to Florida or New Mexico, Somewhere else, he says, so I can live outside and get some real sun. The members in the household may be a little low on the vitamin D.

It's tempting to run--well, to plan to run, to get a new job, sell the house, pack and move--all that exhausting schlepping of stuff from one abode to another, just to move closer to sun. But it just makes me tired. Instead, I try not to obsess about other climates while in the middle of a snow storm. It leads to a less than happy mental attitude.

And now, in a fit of distraction from the weather, I am taunting the parrot with a white rag, so he will chase it like a kitten after a string. I suspect he is really aiming for my wrists.

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