For three days I have had a sore throat, and today, now a runny nose. So: I have taken some cold medicine and here lies the weird landscape of the fuzzy-headed, but with lessened cough. Behind me out the sliding glass door, the yard's brilliant with snow and a full-blue sky. We are headed to a week of below zero temperatures. Can't wait.
I am watching Jonesy about to make oatmeal cookies. Bug is on her shoulder and goes from one to the other, depending upon the best balance and viewpoint. She is also concurrently crafting chicken noodle soup, and when SSW won't get off her shoulder, she says looking in the pot, See what happens to birds sometimes?
It is preferable to not have a bird on your shoulder while cooking for numerous reasons. I am sure you can make your own short list right now. An apron is good for protecting the front of you from flour and butter and milk, but your shoulders--they are open territory for the you know what, from the you know who's little rear.
Well, thankfully, he decided to hop off and go to his perch to rub his beak on his rope perch and then proceed to chitter.
He loves the sound of the mixer, by the way. No surprise there: he screams at each plate and cup being put away from the dishwasher. Looking at him now, though, he's sitting still and erect, feathers poofed a little, and his calls are quiet, like little oh dears and that scares me a tad. Occasionally he emits a taut, high-pitched squeak, like an exclamation point.
Ah, there's a sneeze from me, and it hurt my throat for a second. Bug likes to mimic my coughing first thing in the morning when I am extra intolerant to noise. Ok, it's endearing, but give me tea first.
I just got to lick the mixer beaters. Very cinnamonny.
Well, I suppose that's all from here, for right now. My head's ablur and I seem to be staring off into space--
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