11 February 2009

Master of Monotony

Call it the winter blues, call it ennui, call it the dull bewilderment that sets in when suddenly your time is your own, call it what you will, but I’m bored. I know, I know, only boring people are bored. So I admit it: I’m boring.

Case in point -- I went to a baby shower the other day and ended up talking with a group of people I’d just met about internet providers. Seriously. We might have had plenty in common but not one of us could break the ground, so we sat around and shared anecdotes of poor service and high costs. It was about as fascinating as cleaning the lint out of the crevices of a computer keyboard (which I just finished doing). How did I become so dull?

The past few years have been sucked out of my life by the study of a tedious topic the way an unfortunate astronaut is shot into space from a faulty airlock; neither time nor astronaut ever to be recovered. But that’s no excuse. I now have leisure, so I should be laughing all the way to somewhere, yet here I am, down in the doldrums. Action is what I need – something to jar myself out of the morass of my existence, so with failing imagination, I decide to take a class.

Idly I peruse the non-degree class catalogue from the local tech school. There’s an amazing array of classes on offer, but none, not surprisingly, that really grab me.

Classes I will not be taking:

Harmonica 1 and 2 (Blow in! Suck out! Make noise that only pleases you!)

Kentucky Rifle Building (With a follow up class in whiskey chuggin’.)

Making Lefse 1 and 2 (Why?)

Legal Expense Insurance (I just fell asleep reading the course title.)

Negotiating Across Cultures (Don’t be a jackass!)

So maybe I won’t take a class. Maybe I’ll just take a nap.

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